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The Weekly Dose

of insights, news and opinion
Is Your Marketing Ignoring Women Over 50?

Is Your Marketing Ignoring Women Over 50?

Is it time we see more women over 50 in marketing campaigns? The data on this audience demographic is very compelling that this is a potential lucrative sector to embrace. Diversity in brand awareness gets noticed and today’s consumer wants to know that you are an inclusive brand.

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What happens on a consult call?



30-minute video call with Justina, our founder to discuss your chosen Step 1 and Step 2. (see pricing page)

Justina will ask about your needs and expectations, to ensure the best package fit.



You'll get a bespoke package quote.

Justina will either tell you on the call or follow up with the quote within 24 hours. 

She will also share a bespoke T&C doc.



Once all agreed and contracts are signed we start the onboarding process, where we confirm workflow and we get editing!

This can be as fast as within an hour.